21 Day Autumn 2023
29 Lessons
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Here Tara talks through what to do if anything unexpected happens. Naturally we all experience illness, niggles or even life gets us by and our focus goes somewhere else for a bit. The main thing is to pause and pick up where you left off. What's important is you exercise safely and sensibly and know that things don't always go to plan. There is never a reason to give up, so always look forward and keep going
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Here Tara covers some nutrition tips to help support your results with your workouts. As Tara explains, understanding nutrition and also eating behaviours & relationship with food as the most critical focus areas to guarantee long-term success and will require education, support and continued focus. For more information on how Tara can help you with all your nutrition needs, check out the other courses available or email Tara on tara@tarahammett.com.
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Here is the calorie calculator that will help you with your calorie targets. Once submitted you will receive a breakdown in your email. Please do ensure you watch the Calorie Calculator Explanation video next.
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Here Tara explains how to understand the calorie calculator target results and what it all means. If you would love to have more support with your meal choices, meal planning, eating & drinking behaviours and relationship with food or emotional eating, please do email Tara on tara@tarahammett.com for more info on the Nutrition Plans and Nutrition Coaching available.
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Here, Tara will take you through a Legs & Butt workout. You'll need your dumbbells & kettlebell for this. Enjoy! EXERCISES Front Squat B stance RDL B stance RDL Triple Sumo New Jack TABATA 1 Booty Band Side Walk Booty Band Kick Back TABATA 2 Reverse Lunge L/R Lunge Jump L/R
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Today, Tara will take you through an Upper Body & Core workout. You'll need your dumbbells.
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Todays session is 'Dig Deep' Enjoy your stretch & mobilisation
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Today Tara will take you through a Legs & Butt workout. You'll need your dumbbells and a kettlebell
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Today Tara will take you through a full body workout. You will need
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Today is a rest day or you can catch up! Watch the video for Tara's Tips
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Today is a rest day or you can catch up! Watch the video for Tara's Tips
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Tara is taking you through a legs & butt workout today, ENJOY!
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Get ready to feel the burn in your abs on this one ;-) EXERCISES: Negative Press Up Leg Raise Military Reptile Crunch Side Touch TABATA Bent Over Row TABATA Upright Row & Bicep Curl Alternating Leg Raise
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Join Hannah for the Upper Body Stretch & Strength Session
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Today is a rest day or you can catch up! Watch the video for Tara's Tips
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Today is a rest day or you can catch up! Watch the video for Tara's Tips
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Back to our legs & Butt workouts. Here's what you'll be doing: EXERCISES: Elevated Squat RDL Deadlift Sumo Squat Lateral Lunge TABATA Split Squat Weighted Split Squat Bodyweight TABATA B Stance RDL Kettlebell Swing
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We're back for your upper body & core workouts. here's what we'll be doing EXERCISES: Bent Over Row Narrow & Wide Alternating Shoulder Press Plank Drag & Knee Tap Chest Press & Flye TABATA Tricep Kickback Alternating Leg Raise TABATA Press & Thrust Cycle
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Today Hannah will take you through a Pilates for tight legs session
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We're back to our legs & butt workout today. Here's the exercises: Front Squat Elevated Reverse Lunge Elevated Reverse Lunge Good Mornings TABATA BootyBand Kickback BootyBand Kickback TABATA BootyBand Side Step Booty Band Squat / Jump
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Here's our final full body workout. Here are the exercises: Side Lunge & Row Press Up & Row DB Squat Swing RDL UR TABATA Mountain Climber Jacknife TABATA Thruster Reptile Crunch
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Today is a rest day or you can catch up! Watch the video for Tara's Tips
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Today is a rest day or you can catch up! Watch the video for Tara's Tips
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